Jetton Transfer dApp

TON Jetton Transfer Application

A React application that enables Jetton transfers using the TONX SDK. Refer to this sample project's GitHub repository.

Environment Setup

  1. Install pnpm globally:
npm install -g pnpm
  1. Install project dependencies:
pnpm install

Important Configuration Notes

Network Configuration

  1. The application is configured for testnet use. Ensure correct network setting:
const provider = new TONXJsonRpcProvider({
  network: "testnet", // Keep this as testnet for development
  apiKey: import.meta.env.VITE_TONXAPI_KEY,

Wallet Configuration

This application uses WalletContractV4. You need to:

  1. Configure your mnemonic phrases:
const MNEMONIC = ['your', 'mnemonic'];  // Replace with your mnemonic phrases
  1. Important: The wallet must be deployed before attempting transfers
if (!contractDeployed) {
  throw new Error("Wallet not deployed");

Required Addresses

The application requires three inputs:

  1. Your Jetton Wallet Address
  2. Recipient's TON Address
  3. Amount of Jettons to transfer (will be multiplied by 10^6)

API Key Setup

  1. Get your API key from
  2. Important: Use a testnet API key


  • Transfer Jettons between addresses
  • Support for WalletContractV4
  • Real-time transfer status updates
  • Error handling and validation
  • Loading state management

Running the Application

Start the development server:

pnpm dev

Access the application (usually at http://localhost:4000)

Component Functionality

Transfer Process

  1. Input validation
  2. Wallet deployment check
  3. Create jetton transfer message with forward payload
  4. Transaction execution
  5. Status updates

Security Best Practices

  1. Never commit mnemonics or API keys to version control
  2. Validate all input addresses
  3. Handle API errors appropriately
  4. Implement proper error handling for failed transfers

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  1. Wallet Not Deployed Error

    • Ensure your wallet is properly deployed on testnet
    • Verify mnemonic phrases are correct
    • Check if you have sufficient balance for deployment
  2. Transfer Failures

    • Verify Jetton wallet address is correct
    • Ensure recipient address is valid
    • Check if amount is within valid range
  3. API Key Issues

    • Verify you're using a testnet API key
    • Ensure proper network connectivity